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Escorts Knowledgeable





A lot of men have a real mental barrier about having to "pay for it." This is an artificial barrier because there's nothing wrong with paying for sex -- and there are a lot of advantages to doing so. Paying for it doesn't make you any less of a man. In fact, if you've never tried escorts before, you'll find that the experience is probably different than what you've been led to think it is. And when you realize how it really works, you'll look at it in a very different light.

Free sex isn't really free. In order to get a woman to have free sex with you, you have to find someone who is attracted to you and wants to have sex with you. For most of us, this takes a lot of work.

f you go after a one night stand, then you're having sex with a stranger, just as you would with an escort. The woman you pick up for a one night stand is not really fucking you. She's just horny and you're just a penis provider. If you want to keep fucking her, then you're going to have to develop some kind of relationship with her.

If you start a relationship, you run into one of the biggest problems with free sex: You both have to want it at the same time. You can't just get it when you want it. And then you have to deal with "where is this relationship going," and how you feel about monogamy and marriage (Which I call "doing the "M" word"). Then there's the question of dealing with her friends, her family, her lawyer, her religion, her spending habits, her television preferences, her moods, her shrink, her astrologer, her dealing with your friends and family, and trying to adjust to each other's grooming habits, musical tastes, money, property, children, pets, ex-lovers, jealousy, anger, bullshit ... all this when all you really wanted was just to get laid.

Escorts are helpful in recovering after divorce or other form of personal emotional loss. You can tell escorts personal secrets that you'd never tell your closest friends.

Maybe you're looking for a permanent relationship. You're lonely as hell and you want that special someone to settle down with so you can have kids and live happily ever after. The problem is that you haven't gotten laid in so long that when you go out on a date you can't control yourself and you come on too quick. This messes things up and you get rejected and you're just that much more love-starved and depressed the next time. An escort can help break the cycle of rejection. You get laid a few times, feel better about yourself, and when you go out on a date you don't feel you have to get laid. You can take the time to let the relationship develop and have a better chance of finding "true love" than if you weren't seeing and escort. And you may have learned a few tricks in the meantime that make you a better lover and contribute to the relationship.

When you're with an escort, you're going to get laid. You don't have to worry about "if" because that's not an issue anymore. You don't have to deal with all the other bullshit because that's not part of the package. And being with an escort doesn't mean that you have to give up free sex or pursuing a relationship. In fact, being with an escort may enhance your life so much that you get more free sex, have better sex, and are so attractive to women that you will find your one true love, if that's what you're looking for.

Many escorts have learned and can teach you advanced sexual techniques. They are open to answering questions about women that most people won't discuss. Escorts can help you sharpen your sexual skills.

Once you get over the "paying for it" barrier, you'll realize that it's really a bargain. What you get is good sex with a woman who generally is a lot better at it than the average "civilian" woman, without the cost and complications of free sex. These women have been with a lot of men and they know things about sex that you can learn. If you talk to most pros, they'll tell you that the average guy doesn't have a clue about what women want. And if you're willing to put some ego aside and learn, these women can teach you things that will impress the hell out of civilian women. So being with an escort is a great opportunity to sharpen your style.

Maybe you just got divorced or dumped and you're hurting and need someone to be with. Being with an escort is a great way to recover from a lost relationship. No, it isn't the same as "true love," but it can make you feel a lot better about yourself and help build back your confidence so that you're functional and attractive to women again. Women like men who are confident and they are repulsed by men who are sexually needy. That's why when you need to get laid the most, women don't want to be with you. And that's where escort services play an important role in society. They help men who need to get laid, get laid. And these men are far better for it.

What is Escort?




​Movies and television depict prostitutes in a few limited and unrealistic ways, mostly to the detriment of the women. There's the drug-addicted street walker standing on a dark and dangerous corner with a black pimp who beats her hiding in the shadows. Then there's the whore who inhabits a giant Victorian brothel where a guy plays piano in the parlor and the women are slaves to an obese madame and secretly hate their work and their customers. In all the television I've watched, the only TV show that seemed to come closest to accurately depicting the relationship between and escort and her client was the TV series DALLAS where J.R. Ewing had this ongoing relationship with a woman named "Sabrina" that came in and out of his life over the years the show was on the air.

Escorts are women just like any other woman. The nicer you are to them, the better time you both have. Escorts give men the opportunity to practice and become a better partner for when the "right one" comes along.

Negative stereotyped situations may exist, but they are not the whole picture. In an attempt to foster a false sense of "drama," the entertainment and news media almost never give a positive slant to prostitution, and for some reason, they rarely present any images at all of escort services. One reason for this may be that there is very little "drama" in an escort service. It's simply a business.

Using an escort service means that you are dealing with an agency, just like any other service agency. You don't pick up a street walker and you don't go to a whore house. Instead, you call and arrange for companionship, and a woman comes to your home or motel room and spends time with you in your space. You get the advantage of not having to go anywhere and of being in your own home where you're most comfortable -- or in your motel room if you are on a business trip or you're married and can't do it in the home. It's that simple.


These days there are a lot of independent escorts who work for themselves and advertize on the web. Some of them have there own web sites. I keep a list of some here on my site and there are plenty of others if you search google. And there are escorts that advertize in personal ads on personal ad sites. Generally they will advertize on adult person ad sites like Adult Friendfinder where they word the ad in a way that if you pay attention - they are looking for a paid relationship. I tend to recommend the larger adult matchmaking sites like Adult Friendfinder because the more women on the site the more you'll have to choose from in your area.

Becoming a "Regular"






If you find an escort you like and you see her many times, the sex usually gets better. You get to know each other better and know what each other likes. Like any relationship, the more time you spend together the better you get at it.

After a few sessions with the same person you become what is called a "regular". Escorts prefer to see regulars because they know what to expect, know your not a bad person and not a trouble maker. One way you can tell if your escort considers you a regular is when you pay. If she let's you pay afterwards, you're a regular.

Relationships with escorts can last for decades and a regular relationship can be fulfilling on many levels other than just sex.

Becoming a regular is like having a surrogate relationship. It's not the same as being married and living happily ever after. However, it's a lot better than being alone. There are a lot of people in the world that traditional marriage isn't something that's going to work. The idea that "there's someone for everyone" is a myth. If you find that someone and you have a golden anniversary, that's just great. But for most of us, that just isn't going to happen. And you can make yourself miserable waiting for it.

Since women move from service to service and in and out of the business, I like to develop a regular relationship with several escorts. This way if your favorite is on the rag, in a bad mood, out of town, or quits, you have other choices to fall back on. Sometimes your just in the mood for someone different. If I find an escort I really like I generally give her my card and tell her if she changes employers to call me and let me know who she's working for. I've also had women who got out of the business but still keep me as their only client. And part of the reason for that is that I gave them my phone number.

If at first you don't succeed...

Try, try again. Sometimes your first experience with a service isn't what you expected. You may have been emotionally too upset. You may have picked a woman who wasn't your type. You may not have known exactly what you wanted. Maybe you couldn't come. That's not unusual, especially the first time. It takes a while for some people to learn how to have sex with a total stranger. A certain part of sex is learned behavior and sometimes you have to try a few times to get it right. But once you get into it you'll find it's well worth it and you'll be able to do things you never dreamed.

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